I'm going to be Mrs. Jeremy Reynolds within the next year :) He proposed last night!!

Story time: All weekend every since he got home J has wanted to do a date night with just us. I've been thrilled about since he has been traveling so much we haven't seen each other and had 'us' time. So after going to my parents house yesterday aftenoon to check on their broken heater, eat lunch and hang out for the afternoon we decided to go over to Luke's in Rock Hill and have some dinner before we went to the movies. We had decided to go and see The Social Network, which by the way was a fantastic movie although long, the acting was incredible and the story line of the movie fit very well. Its hard to believe Facebook has only been around since 2003, how in the world did I live without it? Ha, I'm lame I know. Anyways, after the movie J asked if I wanted to go and get a Frosty and I said no since we had some Italian Ice at home we can save some money by jsut eating that. So we drove over to my house and I was super excited to get home since we'd been gone all day plus I hadn't seen my roomate since Friday and wanted to see her. As we were walking up to my 3rd floor apartment we were joking about how odd we will look when we get old- I'll be short and blind and J will be deaf and bald, he even said I'd probably be his cane. When we got to my door I reached for my keys which I thought was odd since I knew J had his key in his hand or so I thought and then I realized the door was already unlocked which confused me even more. We opened the door and there were candles everywhere and rose petals and flowers. My first reaction was, "Is Stephanie home?" J said "There's a surprise for you on the table go and see what it is." I followed the candles and flowers to our living room table where there is a bouquet of roses and a silver bell and J is behind me telling me to read it. Well, its dark obviously and I lift a candle up to read the bell...
(sidenote: for those of you who don't know me very well I collect bells. Yes, I realize this is semi old ladyish. Don't judge me, I started my collection when I was around 7 with my Grandma at a Yard Sale and since then people have always bought them for me as gifts. In fact its the first present J every bought me was a bell for Christmas in 08 before we were even dating :))
The bell said, "Marry me?" And as I turned around J was on one knee and crying and simply said, "Will you grow old with me?" Pretty much the next 3 minutes are a blur as I started crying and couldn't stand up and kept saying yes, and kisses and stepping on a candle and yelling and trying to get my other ring off of my finger so he could put the engagement ring on. Then he started to explain things: He's been planning this for weeks- its been really hard since he's been out of town, his parents set everything up and had his key to my apartment so thats why he didn't lock the door which I realize now he didn't all weekend, He asked my Dad yesterday in the 5 minutes he was alone with him, my Dad spilled the beans to my Mom not 5 minutes after Jeremy asked, He told no one until yesterday except his parents and siblings, He called my roomate yesterday and told her and swore her to secrecy not to tell anyone. He did such a good job of keeping it a secret, he knows I'm sneaky and always find out. I'm so lucky to have him :)
My favorite part is he found a bell that says marry me how stinkin cute