Friday, April 30, 2010

713 more months...

Juno MacGuff: I just need to know that it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever.
Mac MacGuff: Well, it's not easy, that's for sure. Now, I may not have the best track record in the world, but I have been with your stepmother for 10 years now and I'm proud to say that we're very happy.
Mac MacGuff: Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.


Recently, two of my parents closest married friends who have both lived two houses away for the past 10 year are dealing with martial problems. The problems included basically everything to do with infidelity and its completely got me blown away. The cops even made an apperance at both showings of the Truth when it came out. One couple I've always known that has had problems but the other has always seemed very happy besides the occasional fight. When mom called me this morning, I had to have her reassure me that she and my dad are more than fine and that nothing like that would happen with them and she completely reassured me that they were more than fine.

I just know that I want to be with one person for the rest of my life and take care of them and them take care of me. And I'm very confident that I've found him. I never want him to ever doubt me-- I want him to know that I am completely devoted to him and the 'us' that there is.

I want to be like the couple below when I'm 85, they're so stinkin' cute.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

As we go on, we remember...

...All the times we had together

So today, I walked the halls of my high school in search of my old yearbook teacher Mrs. Infante to pick up the senior pictures that will be put in my newspaper. Its amazing how much it has stayed the same and how much it has really changed in the past 5 years. So many memories flooded back to me as I walked through the doors in to the office and then from there through the Cougar den and just thinking of how things were not so long ago. Friends, relationships, yearbook, broadcasting, clothes, jobs, teachers... I kind of missed the simplicity of high school while there. We go through high school thinking we are so old and can take on the world, when in reality we are still just babies basically until we go through atleast 1 year of college. I've grown so much since high school.

Look at my visitor's pass :)

Its such a hard concept for me to grasp that I graduated 5 whole years ago from high school and an entire year ago I was about to graduate from college. Its amazing to see where God has taken me in the past year, from Greenville being a secretary to back home here in Rock Hill as an account executive. I'm so thankful that I am one of the lucky few who was able to get a job as soon as I graduated, God has truly blessed me in the past year and a half. I'm not always thankful and I hate that my human nature gets in the way of realizing what all God has done for me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hello I'm April. I work, live & play in Upper State South Carolina. Please excuse any spelling errors because although I am a college graduate it seems that spelling just didn't come naturally neither did math it seems.

Today is Tuesday and its one of my easy days at work. I am an account executive for a daily and weekly newspaper. I love it most days and I hate it all the rest. Sales is a very stressful proffession and I'm still trying to figure out if this is what I want to do for the rest of my life since I've only been out of school for 1 entire year as of next week.

I have lots of deadlines coming up with work, Western Watch is coming out in June but my deadline for all ad sales is next week. They've set my $$ goal for $12,000. We'll see how that one turns out. Graduation Tab comes out in May for all the current seniors at the two local high schools, my $$ goal is $4,000.

I've recently decided that all old men are mean- this comes from dealing with them at work as it seems thats all my territory has to offer is old men who think they always need things their way.

I have missed having my newspaper column like I did in college at The Skyliner, so I've decided to start back in blog form. Until next time...