How was everyone's weekend? Mine was different to say the least.
Friday night was fun with the kids: the pool was a hot mess to say the least when we go there at 6, so we didn't end up staying long out there. We went to eat at MOES where I discovered the goodness of their Cheese Quesedilla, not to mention the price is great when you only get a water to go with it. We went to see The Last Song-- I was not a huge fan as it was one of the saddest movie's I've seen in a while. I think I need to read the actual book to get a better feel for the story. PS Did anyone know that the $1.50 theater went up to $2.00 on the weekends? Apparently their taking on the lead of Manchester Cinema's who has upped the ticket sales for weekends to $10.00.

Saturday morning I cooked everyone breakfast at my place- they wanted pancakes! Saturday was by far the best concert I've been to! Kellie
Pickler and Rascal
Flatts were amazing. RF sang all of their popular hits to
commemorate their 10 years of being together. I had a wonderful time with the girls and I am so thankful that my dad let me use his Tahoe. The only thing that I couldn't stand was the heat-- I sweat like you wouldn't believe. I shouldn't have even put make up on to begin with and lets not even talk about my hair by the end of the night I looked like a train wreck.

Sunday I wasn't able to make it to church because I had to pick up Erica and
Micayla early in the morning. We hung out at the house and I showered and became a human again after sweating like a man on Saturday whilst at the concert. We went over
Koizumi in Newport for lunch, this amazing little Japanese grill. They have fabulous Low
Carb meal options for a great price. On the way home I got into it with my mother and let's just say that I'm still reeling from it today. I talked with my grandmother about it for a very long time yesterday and I just do now know what I am going to do with out Grams when does leave us to be with Jesus. She knows how mom can be and all she kept on saying was just, "Pray, pray, pray April. Its all you can do." So I'm taking her advice and praying up a storm for the situation with my mother. Yesterday I was to the point of telling her I was never speaking to her again. Its an on-going thing where she cuts me down and be
little's me and screams and yells and tells me its all my fault in the first place
every time we get into an argument. So please if you can pray with me on this one, I'm struggling like you wouldn't believe.
I FINALLY got to see Jeremy last night-- it was only for two hours and for the majority of it we popped in a movie and both fell asleep within minutes haha, we're so old sometimes. I was exhausted because during the earlier event of the day I worked myself into an allergy attack and the medicine I took was the kind that makes you sleepy. Jeremy's been working non stop since Thursday so he was exhausted as well. I will say it was nice to just nap together!
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