Won 5 first place awards at the SCPA Palmy Awards (aka South Carolina Press Association Awards) last week and I think 4 third place awards. The Enquirer Herald and The Herald kicked some tail and needless to say I was super proud of us :) Its the first time I have felt very proffessional and like a real grown up since getting my 'big girl' job. Driving to Columbia and back on Thursday was tiring but well worth it!
The weekend was pretty good. Jeremy and Jake cooked dinner for Stacey and I: Shrimp and Grits and rolls and Orange Aide- this frozen dessert beverage that was fantastic!
Orange Aide:
6 oz. Frozen Orange Juice
10 ice cubs
1 cup cold milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup cold water
Saturday Jeremy worked on the Expedition and changed the brakes in the Honda and we figured out the reason why my hub caps came off a few weeks ago. PS the Honda is still looking ghetto. Sunday we spent the day at the pool with his Mom and sister and we all got some good sun. I vegged out to Sex and the City last night while cleaning my abosultely filthy room, while Jeremy went and watched the College World Series with Boone and Nick. As of today, Clemson defeated the number one seated team.
In other news, I bought this humidor for Jeremy today on Amazon.com. He's been talking about how he wants one and after doing some research and finding a great deal I got. He's going to be so surprised when it comes in the mail-- I'm so excited to see his reaction :)

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