Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve written. Sometimes my life has a way of getting in the way of me time. I consider my blog my me time, a place for me to vent/share happiness etc to the world. I have learned quite a few things recently:
1.) I CANNOT believe its June already and the middle of June at that. Why is time going by so fast?
2.) Jeremy and I went on vacation to Myrtle Beach two weeks ago and it was glorious. We were able to relax and get a tan and have no worries! We got a super sweet deal on by the way I highly recommend using them, we had a 3 day 4 night stay at a 4 star hotel with a full kitchen in it for only $43 a night. Praise the Lord for small blessing such as that, the kitchen really helped us save money!
a. Side note J We’ve been dating 1 ½ year now!!
3.) Chick Fil A’s new spicy chicken sandwich did not meet my expectations and I will continue to love the Original.
4.) My sister left for Zambia, Africa for a missions trip on Sunday for two months. As strange as it seems, when she’s in town and I can actually see her/spend time with her we don’t but now that she’s gone (granted it’s only been 1 day) I can think of million things for us to do this summer together. Weird, I know.
5.) My Best Friend Red came in to town the week before last- she’s the only person in this world that we can go days/weeks/months without seeing each other and when we are reunited it’s like no time has elapsed. After a few drinks I expressed how much I missed her and needed her in my everyday life.
6.) Work is going incredibly fast and it’s amazing how well I am actually doing (Not to brag on myself or anything J) I have made at least 90% of my goal every month since February. The bonuses have been pretty sweet and my savings account is racking up—hello wedding fund for whenever my wedding may be. I’m over $2000 from making my June goal at 100%... so keep me in your prayers for that.
7.) Stephanie and I are renewing our lease with our apartment. They offered us a deal we couldn’t refuse so instead of searching for a 3rd roommate and a new place we’re staying put for another year.
8.) Apparently a few weeks back Jeremy and I put my hubcaps on wrong and I am now down to two of them. The poor Honda is super ghetto at the moment.
9.) Jeremy is still job searching. It’s tough sometimes—I get so frustrated but I’m praying about it a lot and trusting that God is taking care of us and He has the plan not me. Since last Friday I have given up listening to the radio in my car for a week in order to pray for his job situation and for some all around quiet time with the Lord for me. It’s sort of fasting because I love blasting the radio and singing at the top of my lungs, I’m in my car a lot with work. But like my Grandmother said “If we show the Lord we’re faithful to Him, He will always work things out for us.” Please keep his job situation in your prayers please!!
10.) I’m hosting a Tastefully Simple Party on Thursday. I’m hoping lots of people show up and order stuff!
11.) Jeremy was given a Four Wheeler this past weekend and I am super excited to learn how to drive it since it’s a manual!!
That’s pretty much it for now. I work, I sleep, I eat, spend time with Jeremy, see a few friends and go to church. I never thought that grown up life would be so monotonous or tiring. I’m still sad my computer broke. Cody asked me to design him some stuff today and I told him it was broke. I miss my MAC.
Until next time…