I have been promoted to Advertising Manager (except I'm not managing anyone, lukcy me) of not only the Enquirer Herald but the Lake Wylie Pilot as well. These are the two weekly paper's of Western York County. I'm getting into the big time, ha. It is such a blessing as well because I was fortunate enough to receive a pay increase along with my increase of responsibilities. Praise the Lord for that! While this is all very exciting, its keeping me super busy as well. I spend my days traveling between my offices-- yes I not only have 1 office but I now have 2, look at me fancy pants. I'm learning to juggle more responsibilities, my time management skills and monthly numbers even more than ever before. I am so excited for this challenge and that I get the oppotunity to build up the Lake Wylie area like I have in York. The best way to put this is to let my ghetto side come out and say, "Mad props to my girl before me," Kristin, who did more than a phenmonal job in Lake Wylie for the past 4 years! I'm excited to step into the shoes she's left... heck, I might even make my own set while here. Prayer's are appreciated more than you know!
White Lake 2010: super amazing family vacation as always. Wayyyyy to short this year but I'm thankful for the time away from work and to spend time with my family whom I rarely get to see due to schedueling conflicts. Here are a few pictures to highlight the trip, more to come.
Some of these fine ladies are coming over this evening for some cookin' a la Chef April. I've been enjoying so much the time I've had with them over the past few weeks and I'm hoping that our Monday tradition can continue! They're keeping me sane while Jeremy is out of town each week, God really does answer prayer like you wouldn't believe.

PS Alice comes home from Africa on Thursday night... we are soooo stinkin excited to see her! We're all going to meet her at the airport, woot.
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