Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Its Tuesday mid afternoon and I am experiencing the worst doldrums of the work week ever.

This coming Sunday ends our August for revenue and our weekly sales meeting this morning was not the most encouraging, but lets face it what sales meeting is encouraging? I've had at least 4 ads cancel for this week and even one that cancelled this morning. No one is calling me back for Stand By's for this coming weekend. A Stand By is when we have extra space in the newspaper that needs to be sold quickly so we price it just right and add color for free. For the first time since February I do not think I'm going to make at least 90% of my goal and this frustrates me to no end. I knew when I took on the new position that it was going to take some time to get things to run smoothly and to get new clients to trust me. What I did not account for are my regular customers cancelling on me. So, I'm ill motivated to even try for this weekend because of all the rejection I've been receiving over the past two weeks, ha.

J left this morning for the job site at the beach instead of leaving last night, which was a wonderful surprise! This is also contributing to my doldrums. Last night, I made Spicy Chicken Salsa Pasta for dinner and we watched Cop Out which completely exceeded my expectations. I'm trying to convince J that playing card games that do not involve having to drink after you draw a card are fun too. All we really have been doing lately is watching movies and eating so I want to find something that will break up the ordinary for us. I miss him already, since I know he won't be home tonight to cook for or to cuddle up on the couch with or laugh with about my day. I know God has a plan and He won't give you anything you can't handle!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Big Blue Tractor

This past weekend has been one of the best weekend's for me in a very long time! Jeremy has been home since Thursday night and we've gotten to spend a lot of much needed time together. I haven't realized how much I've been missing him until he comes home for longer than two days and with him leaving today, this has been the hardest time yet. We're praying and searching hard for him a job here at home or atleast somewhere where he is stationary and we can make a home for us. We're so thankful for his current job but being away from each other really stinks :(

Friday night we went out with everyone for Brian Eves Birthday on Friday night and has a really great time! While we started out at Black Finn we were quickly informed that girls could drink for free at Suite so we headed over there to drink for free til 11 and had a great time, I even got a hot pink coozie out of the deal. Happy Birthday Brian!

Also its apparent that the bouncer taking the below picture- sucks.

Finally got the camera cord from Jeremy so I could upload some pictures from the past few weeks. I've decided we haven't taken many pictures in the past six months and this needs to change, he is not so thrilled about this.

Saturday we ended up at Carowinds with my little brother Carson and his friend Justin. I was outnumbered for the whole day and discovered that little boys like to hit each other a lot. We got some pizza and hung out with Mom afterwards and watched Furry Vengence, ha.

Sunday was church day and we went to the early service where Pastor Steven talked about what it really means to invite someone to church. Very powerful message and a really cool theme for the next few weeks. We cleaned up at Jeremy's house and Jeremy did a lot of cleaning in his room while I lounged around :) We played out on his Dad's new tractor in the way back part of the property. Apparently its a man thing to knock trees down? I don't know but I rode along for over an hour and had a blast just hanging out and basically doing nothing, ha. Jeremy even said, "I hope when we're old you'll still do things like this with me." I pray that we will!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Its getting closer

Holy cow, can football season get here already?! Its become my favorite time of the year :)
Saturday, September 4 at 3:30 Clemson vs. North Texas

I went to Grams for dinner last night. She made pot roast, cole slaw and squash casserole (yuck) obviously I loved everything but the casserole, ha. My unlce and his newest model of a girlfriend was there. I think they're engaged, she had a diamond ring on her left hand on her ring finger-- Grams and Mom laughed when I asked and they both said he was dumb. Ladies and Gentlemen, if he gets married this will fourth marriage. I just don't understand, I only want to do it once with the best man I know.

Grams talked to me a lot about stages of life last night and how I need to savor every moment of the next stage when Jeremy and I get engaged. She says the time flies and then its on to babies, etc. and we need to cherish the time we have as just us. I'm so very excited about becoming Jeremy's wife one day :) I'm also cherishing the time now where we aren't engaged and we're just dating, I didn't realize before but this is so much fun! Just being with each other is all we really want. His job has really made me realize that the only thing I want is to be close to him all the time and whether we get married tomorrow or two years from now I'm just thankful that I'm with him.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

7 hour drive...

This past weekend I journey, literally, to Trenton, GA to see Sheila D. Moore become Sheila M. Price. I was the guest book attendant, ha. We played Flip Cup, even the bride and groom played a few rounds and as always, I was CHAMPION :)

Work has been wierd this week, I haven't been really motivated which sucks when you're a sales rep. I scheduled my FIRST ever Direct Mail piece for Carolina Dance, its a cute little Post Card for their Registration and Open House this week and next. My goals have gone up since my semi promotion and I'm a little nevous to see how this month comes out honestly. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed but I don't think its anything I can't handle, I just have to get a grip on Lake Wylie and I'll be fine. I really need to work out of only one office, the double office thing is kind of confusing. I'm going to try to clean up the office at Lake Wylie today and maybe move some stuff over there during this week.

My sweet boyfriend is gone to NY for the week for work. He'll be back at some point on Sat. I'm missing him a lot, the traveling thing has really started to sink in with me in the past week and it's no fun. We're so thankful to the Lord for the job but we're praying he'll reveal his plan for Jeremy's work life in His time!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cool kids

Jeremy and I have made our first BIG purchase as a couple, we got a phone plan together! It's a pretty big deal to each of us and a huge start to our commiting to one another for the long haul :) We now have Sprint becaused they offered us such a great deal with phone plans and since currently I am the only one of the two us using our plan, I couldn't be happier. Jeremy will be activating his phone on Friday afternoon when he gets back in town. We purchased the new HTC Evo and the thing is freakin incredible, I don't know how I lived without such a phone before and I've only had it for two days.

I am currently one of the cool kids with my phone, ha. It's funny though, this is my first purchase of an 'in' phone. I've really only ever had ones that were cheap since A.) Mom and Dad bought my first one and B.) since I have bought every phone since then. But Jeremy and I wanted to sort of 'splurge' on these and believe me and was a super big splurge if I do say so. The cool thing is we can video chat with these phones so I can see him when he's gone, HUGE factor in why we bought them.

My sister comes home from Africa today! Going to meet her at the Airport tonight!!!

Sheila's wedding is Saturday and I'm going on a date with my best friend Red :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Aaannnndd... I'm back!

My world has changed slightly in the past few weeks and I haven't had much time for my blog. But worries aside, I'm back and hopefully won't stay gone for as long again!

I have been promoted to Advertising Manager (except I'm not managing anyone, lukcy me) of not only the Enquirer Herald but the Lake Wylie Pilot as well. These are the two weekly paper's of Western York County. I'm getting into the big time, ha. It is such a blessing as well because I was fortunate enough to receive a pay increase along with my increase of responsibilities. Praise the Lord for that! While this is all very exciting, its keeping me super busy as well. I spend my days traveling between my offices-- yes I not only have 1 office but I now have 2, look at me fancy pants. I'm learning to juggle more responsibilities, my time management skills and monthly numbers even more than ever before. I am so excited for this challenge and that I get the oppotunity to build up the Lake Wylie area like I have in York. The best way to put this is to let my ghetto side come out and say, "Mad props to my girl before me," Kristin, who did more than a phenmonal job in Lake Wylie for the past 4 years! I'm excited to step into the shoes she's left... heck, I might even make my own set while here. Prayer's are appreciated more than you know!

White Lake 2010: super amazing family vacation as always. Wayyyyy to short this year but I'm thankful for the time away from work and to spend time with my family whom I rarely get to see due to schedueling conflicts. Here are a few pictures to highlight the trip, more to come.

Some of these fine ladies are coming over this evening for some cookin' a la Chef April. I've been enjoying so much the time I've had with them over the past few weeks and I'm hoping that our Monday tradition can continue! They're keeping me sane while Jeremy is out of town each week, God really does answer prayer like you wouldn't believe.

PS Alice comes home from Africa on Thursday night... we are soooo stinkin excited to see her! We're all going to meet her at the airport, woot.