Seriously, he's my work boyfriend these days.
WORK: Anyways I'm so thankful that this week is over and I can have some fun this weekend. Work has been stressful this week and next week won't be any easier as I am heading up a deboule truck in two different papers. (PS a double truck is two pages all the way across in the newspaper) Plus I'm stressing about making goal- I cutting it a lot closer than I would like so it makes me nervous.
FIANCE: He's coming home from Durham this today and he's home til Monday morning, yay!
FAMILY: J and Brian are installing my parents new heater tomorrow so while the boys are busy my mom and mother in law want to go wedding dress shopping! Hopefully my sister and Jessica can come as well. Tonight we're going to J's cousin's Family engagement party and I'm kind of excited about it. We haven't seen everyone in quite sometime!
ROOMATE: She cooked some scrumptious chicken alfredo this week and I love her for sharing it with me. I think we're carving pumpkins next week with Rachel and I'm super pumped for this!
"When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out." -Elizabeth Bowen
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hump Day
Its Wednesday so a Happy Hump Day to you! Today's been a weird one but I've sold some and I need a break for a few minutes so I stole this from my roomate :)
1. Your ex is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do?
Call 911 and give the location and leave.
2. Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
Jokingly ask her if she wants a drink... :)
3. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face?
This lady on the phone the other day from a company that we work with
4. What is the last thing you spent money on?
A DIY Bridal book
5. Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?
Haven't been on a scale in a while- praying for a loss though
6. Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?
7. The first person on your friends list just called you a bitch. What do you have to say ?
Its a normal occurance
8. Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name?
9. Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What's her name?
Lillia Jewel
10. What are you craving right now?
My Bed, ha.
11. What was the last thing you cried about?
When I got engaged on Sunday night!
12. When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
I usually put it in the "Take a penny, Leave a penny..."
13. What color is your tissue box?DO
Don't have one
14. Do you have a ceiling fan in your bedroom, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
15. What was the last voicemail you received about?
A client calling to schedule an appointment
16. Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook?
Nope just deleted them
17. Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year?
I honestly can't think of a time- well except when J and I wanted Paranormal Activity
18. Do you wear a name tag at work?
19. What kind of car do you want?
An Audi SUV, black.
20. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell?Q
Either Nacho's or a quesedilla
21. Have you ever had a garage sale?
My mom has and I helped
22. What color is your iPod?
23. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Bud Light
24. Are you happy right now?
Of course!
25. Who came over to your house last?
J before he went to work
26. Do you drink beer?
Am I American? Am I from the South? Of course I do.
27. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Haha, nope but thats because I sort of am by my Dad.
28. What is your favorite key on your key chain?
My car key
29. What was the last movie you watched at home?
The Wedding Date with Debra Messing
30. What is in your pocket?
I don't have any pockets on today
31. Who introduced you to your bf/gf/husband/wife?
My roomate :)
32. Where do you hurt?
I'm starting to get a headache actually
33. Has someone ever made you a build a bear?
Heck no, I hate stuffed animals
34. What's something fun you did today?
Something invovling a garage :)
35. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
Clearance, I'm such a bargain shopper.
36. When is your birthday?
37. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
A turtle thing my mom and sister gave me
38. How many states in the US have you been to?
39. What kind of milk do you drink?
40. What are you going to do after this?
Back to work, this is my break!
41. Who was the last person you went shopping with?
J, we went to TJ Maxx on Sunday before our movie date
42. What is something you need to go shopping for?
Winter/Fall work clothes... wedding stuff... Christmas presents
43. Do you have the same first name as one of your relatives?
44. What kind of car do your parents drive?
A Honda Van and a Tahoe
45. Are you rich?
Nope but I am blessed
46. What color is your couch?
48. What famous person do you look like?
I don't think I look like anyone famous
49. Does someone like you right now?
Yes! My fiance!
50. Say you were given a pregnancy test right now. Would you pass or fail?
Pass :) Not preggers
51. Favorite pop-tart flavor?
Brown Sugar and Cinnamon
52. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
53. What are your plans for the weekend?
Reynolds Family Party and to see Jack Ass 3 in 3D with J
54. Do you like the color green?
55. When was the last time you wore clothing belonging to someone of the opposite gender?
I steal J's T-shirts and some of his ball shorts a lot.
56. Last restaurant you went to?
Taco Bell, does that even count?
57. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
58. Do you swear at your parents?
59. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Yes, He's texting me!
60. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?
More than I would like to admit.
61. What is your ringtone?
Rascal Flatts and Corey Smith
62. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Sleeping and Dreaming :)
1. Your ex is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do?
Call 911 and give the location and leave.
2. Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
Jokingly ask her if she wants a drink... :)
3. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face?
This lady on the phone the other day from a company that we work with
4. What is the last thing you spent money on?
A DIY Bridal book
5. Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?
Haven't been on a scale in a while- praying for a loss though
6. Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?
7. The first person on your friends list just called you a bitch. What do you have to say ?
Its a normal occurance
8. Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name?
9. Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What's her name?
Lillia Jewel
10. What are you craving right now?
My Bed, ha.
11. What was the last thing you cried about?
When I got engaged on Sunday night!
12. When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
I usually put it in the "Take a penny, Leave a penny..."
13. What color is your tissue box?DO
Don't have one
14. Do you have a ceiling fan in your bedroom, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
15. What was the last voicemail you received about?
A client calling to schedule an appointment
16. Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook?
Nope just deleted them
17. Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year?
I honestly can't think of a time- well except when J and I wanted Paranormal Activity
18. Do you wear a name tag at work?
19. What kind of car do you want?
An Audi SUV, black.
20. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell?Q
Either Nacho's or a quesedilla
21. Have you ever had a garage sale?
My mom has and I helped
22. What color is your iPod?
23. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Bud Light
24. Are you happy right now?
Of course!
25. Who came over to your house last?
J before he went to work
26. Do you drink beer?
Am I American? Am I from the South? Of course I do.
27. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Haha, nope but thats because I sort of am by my Dad.
28. What is your favorite key on your key chain?
My car key
29. What was the last movie you watched at home?
The Wedding Date with Debra Messing
30. What is in your pocket?
I don't have any pockets on today
31. Who introduced you to your bf/gf/husband/wife?
My roomate :)
32. Where do you hurt?
I'm starting to get a headache actually
33. Has someone ever made you a build a bear?
Heck no, I hate stuffed animals
34. What's something fun you did today?
Something invovling a garage :)
35. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
Clearance, I'm such a bargain shopper.
36. When is your birthday?
37. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
A turtle thing my mom and sister gave me
38. How many states in the US have you been to?
39. What kind of milk do you drink?
40. What are you going to do after this?
Back to work, this is my break!
41. Who was the last person you went shopping with?
J, we went to TJ Maxx on Sunday before our movie date
42. What is something you need to go shopping for?
Winter/Fall work clothes... wedding stuff... Christmas presents
43. Do you have the same first name as one of your relatives?
44. What kind of car do your parents drive?
A Honda Van and a Tahoe
45. Are you rich?
Nope but I am blessed
46. What color is your couch?
48. What famous person do you look like?
I don't think I look like anyone famous
49. Does someone like you right now?
Yes! My fiance!
50. Say you were given a pregnancy test right now. Would you pass or fail?
Pass :) Not preggers
51. Favorite pop-tart flavor?
Brown Sugar and Cinnamon
52. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
53. What are your plans for the weekend?
Reynolds Family Party and to see Jack Ass 3 in 3D with J
54. Do you like the color green?
55. When was the last time you wore clothing belonging to someone of the opposite gender?
I steal J's T-shirts and some of his ball shorts a lot.
56. Last restaurant you went to?
Taco Bell, does that even count?
57. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
58. Do you swear at your parents?
59. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Yes, He's texting me!
60. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?
More than I would like to admit.
61. What is your ringtone?
Rascal Flatts and Corey Smith
62. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Sleeping and Dreaming :)
Monday, October 11, 2010
10-10-10 at 10pm
I'm going to be Mrs. Jeremy Reynolds within the next year :) He proposed last night!!

Story time: All weekend every since he got home J has wanted to do a date night with just us. I've been thrilled about since he has been traveling so much we haven't seen each other and had 'us' time. So after going to my parents house yesterday aftenoon to check on their broken heater, eat lunch and hang out for the afternoon we decided to go over to Luke's in Rock Hill and have some dinner before we went to the movies. We had decided to go and see The Social Network, which by the way was a fantastic movie although long, the acting was incredible and the story line of the movie fit very well. Its hard to believe Facebook has only been around since 2003, how in the world did I live without it? Ha, I'm lame I know. Anyways, after the movie J asked if I wanted to go and get a Frosty and I said no since we had some Italian Ice at home we can save some money by jsut eating that. So we drove over to my house and I was super excited to get home since we'd been gone all day plus I hadn't seen my roomate since Friday and wanted to see her. As we were walking up to my 3rd floor apartment we were joking about how odd we will look when we get old- I'll be short and blind and J will be deaf and bald, he even said I'd probably be his cane. When we got to my door I reached for my keys which I thought was odd since I knew J had his key in his hand or so I thought and then I realized the door was already unlocked which confused me even more. We opened the door and there were candles everywhere and rose petals and flowers. My first reaction was, "Is Stephanie home?" J said "There's a surprise for you on the table go and see what it is." I followed the candles and flowers to our living room table where there is a bouquet of roses and a silver bell and J is behind me telling me to read it. Well, its dark obviously and I lift a candle up to read the bell...
(sidenote: for those of you who don't know me very well I collect bells. Yes, I realize this is semi old ladyish. Don't judge me, I started my collection when I was around 7 with my Grandma at a Yard Sale and since then people have always bought them for me as gifts. In fact its the first present J every bought me was a bell for Christmas in 08 before we were even dating :))
The bell said, "Marry me?" And as I turned around J was on one knee and crying and simply said, "Will you grow old with me?" Pretty much the next 3 minutes are a blur as I started crying and couldn't stand up and kept saying yes, and kisses and stepping on a candle and yelling and trying to get my other ring off of my finger so he could put the engagement ring on. Then he started to explain things: He's been planning this for weeks- its been really hard since he's been out of town, his parents set everything up and had his key to my apartment so thats why he didn't lock the door which I realize now he didn't all weekend, He asked my Dad yesterday in the 5 minutes he was alone with him, my Dad spilled the beans to my Mom not 5 minutes after Jeremy asked, He told no one until yesterday except his parents and siblings, He called my roomate yesterday and told her and swore her to secrecy not to tell anyone. He did such a good job of keeping it a secret, he knows I'm sneaky and always find out. I'm so lucky to have him :)

(sidenote: for those of you who don't know me very well I collect bells. Yes, I realize this is semi old ladyish. Don't judge me, I started my collection when I was around 7 with my Grandma at a Yard Sale and since then people have always bought them for me as gifts. In fact its the first present J every bought me was a bell for Christmas in 08 before we were even dating :))
The bell said, "Marry me?" And as I turned around J was on one knee and crying and simply said, "Will you grow old with me?" Pretty much the next 3 minutes are a blur as I started crying and couldn't stand up and kept saying yes, and kisses and stepping on a candle and yelling and trying to get my other ring off of my finger so he could put the engagement ring on. Then he started to explain things: He's been planning this for weeks- its been really hard since he's been out of town, his parents set everything up and had his key to my apartment so thats why he didn't lock the door which I realize now he didn't all weekend, He asked my Dad yesterday in the 5 minutes he was alone with him, my Dad spilled the beans to my Mom not 5 minutes after Jeremy asked, He told no one until yesterday except his parents and siblings, He called my roomate yesterday and told her and swore her to secrecy not to tell anyone. He did such a good job of keeping it a secret, he knows I'm sneaky and always find out. I'm so lucky to have him :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Feels like today...
My favorite things about this week so far:
1.) My 4th quarter meeting went swimmingly and I am very encouraged
2.) It was freezing outside this morning and I am so thankful for Fall :)
3.) Sleep over tonight at Rachel's
4.) J called me on his luch break- this doesn't happen often
5.) J has scheduled 3 interviews for Monday, I am so proud of him!
6.) Chatted with my mother and for once it was a great conversation
7.) I'm going to the Melting Pot tonight for the first time ever for a Breast Cancer Fundraiser
8.) Finally, Pandora let me listen to her again on my work computer i.e. John Mayer has been serenading me all day
9.) Spent time with my sister last night and I showed her the engagement ring I am in love with
10.) Roomate burned me the new One Repulic CD and I'm playing it on repeat in my car since I finally remembered to bring it to the Honda
11.) J is coming home this weekend!
12.) We might go to Scarowinds this weekend
13.) God answers prayers on a daily basis
1.) My 4th quarter meeting went swimmingly and I am very encouraged
2.) It was freezing outside this morning and I am so thankful for Fall :)
3.) Sleep over tonight at Rachel's
4.) J called me on his luch break- this doesn't happen often
5.) J has scheduled 3 interviews for Monday, I am so proud of him!
6.) Chatted with my mother and for once it was a great conversation
7.) I'm going to the Melting Pot tonight for the first time ever for a Breast Cancer Fundraiser
8.) Finally, Pandora let me listen to her again on my work computer i.e. John Mayer has been serenading me all day
9.) Spent time with my sister last night and I showed her the engagement ring I am in love with
10.) Roomate burned me the new One Repulic CD and I'm playing it on repeat in my car since I finally remembered to bring it to the Honda
11.) J is coming home this weekend!
12.) We might go to Scarowinds this weekend
13.) God answers prayers on a daily basis
Monday, October 4, 2010
Stuck like glue
Today is Monday, October 4. Holy cow its already October? Where has the past year gone? Monday's are not my favorite day of the week but today has actually been pretty good so far. I may be getting ahead of myself as its only 9:47, oh well. John Mayer is playing on my Pandora and thats making it even more wonderful.
I spent the weekend with J at the beach since he couldn't come home this weekend. He had to work on Saturday which sucked so I spent a lot of the day cleaning up his room and watching Jersey Shore and the Clemson game. Don't judge me. I got J a new North Face Jacket for his 25th birthday which is this Thursday and I gave it to him this weekend since I won't be seeing him til late Friday night. The rest of the weekend we were lazy and stayed in our PJ's and just spent time together, it was nice! We had serious discussions on where we would move if we end up having to because of his job and we've narrowed it down to anywhere in NC or SC, TX, FL and VA. We have family in all those states and we dont' want to go just anywhere. My mission this week is to find him more job opportunities so he can come home to me :) We've started to tithe as well and give back to the Lord what he's blessed us with and I can already see how God has been blessing us becuase of it.
Work has been incredible lately. I have so much stuff going on and the Lord is really blessing me with commissions to say the least. I have a lot in the works right now and the 4th quarter is already off to a tremendous start! Hopefully I can keep the momentum going until January 1.
Roomate and I have been having a lot of fun together and I really hope it continues. She's back to herself and I couldn't be more thankful!
Prayers that this week will go by quickly are much appreciated!
I spent the weekend with J at the beach since he couldn't come home this weekend. He had to work on Saturday which sucked so I spent a lot of the day cleaning up his room and watching Jersey Shore and the Clemson game. Don't judge me. I got J a new North Face Jacket for his 25th birthday which is this Thursday and I gave it to him this weekend since I won't be seeing him til late Friday night. The rest of the weekend we were lazy and stayed in our PJ's and just spent time together, it was nice! We had serious discussions on where we would move if we end up having to because of his job and we've narrowed it down to anywhere in NC or SC, TX, FL and VA. We have family in all those states and we dont' want to go just anywhere. My mission this week is to find him more job opportunities so he can come home to me :) We've started to tithe as well and give back to the Lord what he's blessed us with and I can already see how God has been blessing us becuase of it.
Work has been incredible lately. I have so much stuff going on and the Lord is really blessing me with commissions to say the least. I have a lot in the works right now and the 4th quarter is already off to a tremendous start! Hopefully I can keep the momentum going until January 1.
Roomate and I have been having a lot of fun together and I really hope it continues. She's back to herself and I couldn't be more thankful!
Prayers that this week will go by quickly are much appreciated!
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