Monday, July 26, 2010

Its another...

Case of the Monday for me!
I'll write more later on this week. Also, White Lake is this week! The 'rents are already down there with Carson and the rest of my extended family. We're leaving on Wednesday as soon as my Mr. Reynolds gets home from work, Praise the Lord he got off of work!

Monday, July 19, 2010

John Mayer & a power outage?!

Amber Polk got free tickets to the incredible John Mayer on Friday, needless to say I was in bliss for most of Friday. It can't get much better than listening to John Mayer with one of your girlfriends and drinking some beer-- that makes me sound like a redneck who has good taste in music, ha.
Jeremy's grandmother let me and Jessica go through all of her clothes and shoes and everything, which by the way everything is brand new, and pick out some stuff we liked to take home. Luckily, Grandma Jo and I have the exact same sized shoe and I got some an amazing pair of brown cowboy boots and a neat pair of red ones too. The teal shoes are Ked's of sorts and I think they'll look good under some jeans.

Sunday night the power went out about 1.5 mile radius around our apartment. I'm a freak if you didn't know and I CANNOT sleep without a fan on, it just doesn't happen. So I ventured out to my parent's last night in order to be able to sleep. Steph says she woke up at 2:30 and the power was back on. Although my camera phone sucks, I'm holding a candle below thats one of those emergency candles, Red gave it to me when we lived in our old apartment.

In other freakin GREAT news: Jeremy's working in town this week!! And, he gets to come to White Lake!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Hump Day

Good morning Blog world, how the heck are you? Its been a busy couple of days since Jeremy left and I'm so thankful to the Lord for that because I'm the type of person that needs to stay busy in order to get my mind off of things. BUT I am so sleepy today.

Monday night I had a reunion with Ms. Amber Polk... I haven't seen her in over two months as she has been MIA and Rachel came over too. I cooked Lemon Peppered Spiced Talapia with Uncle Ben's Long Grain Wild Rice and Rachel brought over a Green Bean Steamer, it was incredible! Great girl time with some wine!

Yesterday, Rachel and I went to Chili's in Ayrsley's for some good dinner and a conversation and afterwards we watched the FINAL episode of The Hills. Was anyone else as disappointed as I was? I've watched that show for years and I love watching all of the drama unfold on national television but the last episode left more than a lot to be desired. You could have watched the preview and not even wated your time watching the entire episode, that bad. I'm sure MTV has a reason for it though, they always have something up their sleeve to keep my generation entertained.

While I have been busy trying to keep myself from being sad that Jeremy is gone this first week, he has been frustrated with me being so busy he can't talk to me. So tonight instead of going to Eclipse with Rachel for $5, I'm going to stay home for some R&R and talk with my sweetheart on the phone! He is having some trouble adjusting to life on the road and I should have sensed it but I just didn't for some reason. I'm very used to being alone but its a lot different when you're in a hotel room as soon as you get off of work to when you go back to work the next morning. I'm trying to think of things we can do to make sure that we stay as connected as always with each other. Suggestions anyone?

Sidenote: There may or may not be some great things happening at work, I'll keep you posted when I know more but please say a prayer-- it could be amazing!

Monday, July 12, 2010

"...In all my life I never thought I would be so lucky as to fall in love with my best [friend]..."
-Monica Gellar, FRIENDS

Jeremy started his new job this week and as dorky as it sounds we've become a lot like Chandler and Monica from FRIENDS. Especially now since Jeremy is working out of town and I will only being seeing him on the weekends, its like when Chandler worked in Tulsa and only saw Monica on the weekends. Dorky? Yes, but I still identify with it. My best friend is gone during the week now and for a bit its going to be hard to get used to.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

God is good, all the time

After tons of prayer and search over the past year, this incredibly handsome man of mine got a fantastic job! We found out on Friday and we have been all smiles ever since and I am so proud of him I could burst. He's working as a Foreman's Apprentice for Enterprise Electrical & Mechanical. He'll be working under our good friend Brian Eves and is thrilled about it. He will be traveling a good deal for a while but hopefully be home every weekend. Its going to be tough for a time but I know that together we are strong enough that we're going to support each other through it all :) Praise the Lord for his blessing and for being faithful to us as we are to Him!
The week's been crazy busy and I'm just relaxing this weekend with my love! I'll catch you all up next week.
God never fails!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why can't we always have 3 day weekends?

How was everyone's extended weekend? Mine was glorious to say the least! I am in love with 3 day weekends and I wish that we always had Monday's off, it would be so much better than ending the weekend on a Sunday. As Jeremy says, "I'm of the belief that the work week should consist of four days and weekends should be 3 days."

Friday night I had a lovely date with myself, Sex & The City Season 3 and 4 and a glass of wine that my lovely roomate bought me (White Zin, $2 Buck Chuck from the Trader Joes in Charlotte) The wine was really good for a $2 bottle too. It was a fantastic way to end my very long work week. Jeremy finished up working at the Fireworks stand around 9:30 and he dropped in for some much needed conversation and quality time before I had to pick up Erica and Micayla from church camp at 11:30.

Saturday was a lazy day honestly, the girls and I slept in til 10 and then I made pancakes. I took them and my brother to Gilda's for some fun in the pool and on Lake Wylie. Headed to Jeremy's parent's after that to see the new tractor that Mr. Jeff just purchased which didn't last long since we ended up having to run and pick up a truck load full of fireworks for the Fireworks Warehouse with Todd. Which Jeremy got paid really well to do! Saturday night we went to Longhorn with our married friends Dana and Patrick and then to downtown Rock Hill for their Red, White & Boom July 4th celebration. We had a wonderful time catching up with them and walking around the town!

Sunday was Jeremy's Grandmother's birthday and she asked that the entire family come to church with her and sing for the congregation. I felt so honored to be asked to join the family... after all, I'll be a Reynolds one day :) We had pizza, beer and watched The Crazies on Sunday night with Nathan and Todd-- Let's just say its a very 'demented' movie as Stephanie said.

Monday I had high hopes of spending the entire day doing absolutely nothing with Jeremy, we've been so busy going here, there and everywhere that I was super excited to just BE with him on Monday. But he ended up doing car work with Scott, which is such a blessing. For those of you who don't know, Jeremy has a 1981 Camaro that he has had since he was 14. Last year the transmission went out and we haven't had the money to fix it but praise the Lord, Scott said that Jeremy could have the transmission out of his old Nova if we wanted it all Jeremy had to do was come and help him take it out. So yesterday was spent doing that while I did laundry at my house and tried to decide how I want to rearrange my room. We ended up at Jeremy's in the late afternoon and he said lets work on the Camaro... although I wasn't thrilled with this idea I went with it since its a rarity that he gets to work on his car and its something he really enjoys.

Definition of true/meaningful/lasting love: I, April Wynn, got under the Camaro along with all of the spider webs, bugs, frogs, dirt dobbers and mice in the shed to help my adorable boyfriend remove the drive shaft. If that doesn't scream out 'I love you and I'm in this for good' I do not know what does. I hate bugs, I hate dirt, I hate frogs, I hate anything that fly's, I'm not so handy with anything mechanical but I love Jeremy Reynolds so I got under the car to help him.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Diamonds & Chicken Wings?

A girlfriend of mine went to look at engagement rings yesterday and asked me and Stephanie to tag along. Her boyfriend had asked that she take some friends and go get sized and see which ones she really liked. Word on the street is that he is going to buy it in August and she is so excited! Since Jeremy has said that we will be engaged by the end of this year, the girls encouraged me to look around and get sized as well since its July and this year is half way over. So I looked around and got sized and honestly it was all a little overwhelming. So many different styles, so many sparkly things and such high prices! Holy Cow! I did look at a set that I liked, so we'll see :) After browsing, we ended up going out for dinner at Wing King, "Seriously, we are southern girls. Who else goes to look at diamonds and then out to eat Chicken wings!?"

As any girl would be of course I want a beautiful ring but honestly, I DO NOT want him to spend a fortune. I'll be more than happy with something small and maybe later on down the road, if I'm lucky, he'll suprise with an upgrade. First of all the money could be spent on better, more practical things such as the start of a down payment on a house or for him to get a new car. I'm a very practical and money conscious person, its how my Daddy raised me and spending more than our wedding is going to cost would be ridiculous.

Oh, PS my boss called yesterday and told me what my commissions were for the entire 2nd Quarter and let's just say my savings account is going to have a gigantic addition next Wed. night, praise the Lord!